Santa comes calling
Published 5:22 pm Wednesday, December 23, 2009
More than 20 youngsters from the community got a big treat on Tuesday when the jolly man in red and white made an appearance at Beeland Park. Old Saint Nick made an early visit to Greenville to hear the children’s Christmas wish list.
Prior to Santa’s arrival, the children and their families enjoyed a luncheon, catered by Nanny’s Fine Dining, with the Greenville Kiwanis. The civic group orchestrates the annual visit from Santa with the staff at DHR.
With a “Ho, ho, ho,” Santa exited to check on his reindeer while GHS Key Club member Connor Murphy-White and Kiwanis and DHR volunteers helped pass out presents to each of the youngsters.
Kiwanis members shop each year for area youngsters to help make the season brighter for the children and their families.
“We appreciate how beautifully the City of Greenville had the stage decorated this season. Everything went very well,” said Kiwanian Susan Rhodes.