Hundreds of children flock to Fall Festival at GES
Published 2:55 pm Friday, November 6, 2009
Hayrides, “Hit the Car,” delicious treats, a dunking booth and a chance to show off your seed spitting prowess: all of these activities and much more were a part of a crisp fall evening of fun and fundraising. The PTAs of W.O. Parmer Elementary and Greenville Elementary joined forces to bring the First Annual Fall Festival to their school campuses Thursday night. Dozens of pumpkins spelled out “GES” and “WOP” in the courtyard, where energetic youngsters got to pound a clunker, courtesy of Camellia Auto Parts.
Greenville High School Key Club students were on hand to paint faces while GMS Builders Club members manned the very popular concession stand in the gym.
Cheerleaders and twirlers from elementary through high school entertained the crowds, while a Pocket Lady, better known as Carolyn Spears, roamed the grounds encouraging folks to pick one of her many pockets to win a prize. Madame Joni (Thomas) encouraged her visitors to look into her crystal ball and discover their future – which might just include a slice of cake from the popular Cakewalk.
“We’ve had a really great turn-out tonight and everyone seems to be having a wonderful time,” said GES principal, Dr. Tera Simmons.